When Dewey started Weekly Geeks, one of the first projects she encouraged us to do was link our book reviews to each other. Sadly, I've fallen of the wagon on this one. For people like me who need a refresher and for all the new Weekly Geeks this is a topic that could use repeating.
Let's look at Dewey's original post : Dewey's post.
Here's what we'll do:
1. Write a post encouraging readers to look through your archives (if you have your reviews in a particular place on your blog, point them there), and find the books that they have also written reviews. Tell them to leave a link to their review on your review post. For example, I've written a review for Gods Behaving Badly and Jane Doe leaves a link to her review of Gods Behaving Badly in the comments section of my review.
1. Write a post encouraging readers to look through your archives (if you have your reviews in a particular place on your blog, point them there), and find the books that they have also written reviews. Tell them to leave a link to their review on your review post. For example, I've written a review for Gods Behaving Badly and Jane Doe leaves a link to her review of Gods Behaving Badly in the comments section of my review.
2. Edit your reviews to include those links in the body of the review post.
3. Visit other Weekly Geeks and go through their reviews. Leave links for them.
4. Leave a note somewhere on your blog to let people know this is your new policy.
5. Write a post later this week letting us know how your project is going!
This is a big undertaking but as Dewey put it, it's 'community building'. Have fun!
This is a big undertaking but as Dewey put it, it's 'community building'. Have fun!
I love this idea.. and I encourage whoever reviewed a book that I have also reviewed to leave me their link here and I will add it to my review of the book..
As for any new reviews in the future, please leave me your links in the comments of the same book so I'll edit the review and add them :)
I believe this will make a very nive circle of blogging friends..
Here are the links for all the reviews I've done up until now on my blog.. the old ones are my first attemps to reviewing so they might look a bit different than the ones I've written lately ;)
From 2008:
The Complete Poems of Sarah Orne Jewett by Sarah Orne Jewett
Case Histories: A Novel by Kate Atkinson
Case Histories: A Novel by Kate Atkinson
From 2009:
Awww sweetie I wish I read at least half of the list. PS I love you touched me a lot =) Btw I love the song in your page, its really nice!
Thanks Zeze :) for passing and liking my song :)
PS I Love You is a favorite of mine ;) so touching! Did you review the book? if you did I could link it to my post :)
This is a great idea. Once I get my act together from returning from vacation, I'll join in. For now, I've given you an award. Stop by and pick it up!
Aww Yvonne, that was so sweet of you to think of me :) you have made my day, my dear ;)
Hmmm...I think the only books that we have in common are The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty and some of the children's books. LOL-quite a mash up there! I'm afraid none of them are any that I have read recently or reviewed on my blog.
Hello Miss Bookworm!
I've read some of these books but before I started book blogging. I would be more than happy to link back and forth with you, if we ever review the same book.
Dreamybee, we could keep an eye on our new reads :) we might review something in the near future :)
Maqsood, hello!
Jenny Girl, I'd be happy to :)
Great idea! I just posted this policy on my page, too.
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