Year Published: 2005
My Rating: 5 stars
58 pages
Distance: Distance: Hillsboro, Oregon = 7684.1 miles / 12366.4 kilometers
I bought this ebook from
Champagne Books for $1 and it's worth every penny!
I've always had trouble with books that have people going out to war, it's not that I have had anyone go to war or even anyone in my family in the military. It's just I feel so sad when I imagine young youths going out to face the horrors and traumas of war, that no one should face. My heart goes out to them for leaving their countries, families, friends and loved ones to fight for something thier countries believe in. I truly wish that all countries consider living in eternal peace with each other and spare humanity from wars and it's outcomes! Peace for Humanity please!
That said I'll get on with my review, I just had to say that before.. so ..
Sincerely Yours is a short story filled with love and emotions that just overwhelmed me!
Sabrina is having some martial problems with her hubby and while she is sitting with her grandparents she is thinking of how their love for each other has never ceased in all these years.
So her grandmother decides to show her a scrapbook containing some letters from when she and her husband were corresponding during WWII and that was before they got married. Actually they were only penpals at the time but both had strong feelings for the other that they did not show.
The letters start out friendly, then effectionate then comes the declaration of love.. Over the year that her grandad was at war they have been faithfully writing to each other the most romantic letters!
I just loved this book to pieces!! It was so romantic and emotional! I could feel for both of them!
A must for romantics anywhere :)
Some random quotes from the book that I enjoyed ..
“I’ve learned never to take anything for granted,” I heard my granddad say. “Grab a hold of what you love and never let go. I knew a good thing when I fell in love with your grandmother. I caught her then so many years ago, and she’s still right here in my arms.”
“Life is what you make of it, and so is your love,” Grandmother breathed. “If you love that young man, Sabrina, then tell him every day. Hold his hand at every opportunity and never let him get away.”
"You cannot possibly know how much it means to me for you to have thought of me enough to send me this rose. "
"I want to hold on to you and never let you go. I want so badly to be in your heart, Danny, the way you are in mine. "
"I know I promised you that I’d be coming home, but I’m not so sure now. The horrors of this war are too real to think that they’ll never happen to me. That kind of thinking is exactly what kills men every single day. "
"There is no other woman in this world that I love more than you, right now, at this moment. Sweetheart, you’ve been inside me this whole time I’ve been here, and I thank you for your gentleness and caring.Even if I don’t come back to you, Kat, even if I’m killed in action, just like Bruce Morgan or Craig Bryerson, know that I love you with ever fiber of my being, with every breath that I take."