Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I've Been Tagged!
1. What are your current obsessions?
My Iphone
2. Which item from your wardrobe do you wear most often?
My jeans and any T-Shirt
3. What's for dinner?
4. Last thing you bought?
Prescription Contact Lenses, but by bedtime my eyes were bloodshot :(
5. What are you listening to?
Karl Wolf - Like This
6. What are you watching now or the latest movie you watched?
The Reader
7. Favourite holiday spots?
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.. I would love to check some of the islands too but no one from my family wants to go!
8. Reading right now?
Desire Unchained by Larissa Ione
9. What will you be reading next?
No idea, it depends what my mood is at the time :)
10. Four words to describe yourself.
Stressed, worried, depressive but friendly :)
11. Guilty pleasure?
Chocolate, almost any kind :)
12. Who or what makes you laugh until you’re weak?
A good joke, usually said by my hubby.. He says the best jokes :)
13. Favourite spring thing to do?
Go to the beach .. since it's extremly hot here in the summer the best time would be in the spring.
14. Planning to travel to next?
I'm not really planning on any trips for the next couple of years! But things might change :)
15. Best thing you ate or drank lately?
Schezwan beef at the Chinese restaurant we ate at last Monday for my son's belated birthday party that his grandmother made for him.. and the cake was soooooooo good.
16. When did you last get tipsy?
Never. I don't drink.. Never did never will.
17. Favourite ever film?
Pay It Forward.
18. Care to share some wisdom?
"It doesn't matter how smart or careful you are; if a predator wants you he'll find a way" from Fear No Evil by Allison Brennan I feel it has many levels so you could apply it to any kind of predator!
19. Song you can't get out of your head?
The one I'm listening to now.. I woke up humming the sone so I put it on.. Karl Wolf - Like This.
Rules of the meme. Respond and rework. Answer questions on your own blog. Replace one question. Add one question. Tag 8 people.
Ok I'm done now and time to tag some people .. and here they are.. hope they don't mind :)
1. Sandy @ You've GOTTA read this!
2. Yvonne @ Socrates' Book Reviews
3. Alaine @ Alaines Reading Blog
4. Teddy Rose @ So Many Precious Books, So Little Time
5. Erotic Horizon @ Erotic Horizon
6. Jenny Girl @ Jenny loves to read
7. lilly @ Reading Extravaganza
8. Blodeuedd @ Book girl of Mur-y-Castell
If anyone else reading this would like to try it out.. feel free to do so :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Musing Monday (April 27)
Do you read non-fiction regularly? Do you read it in a different way or place than you read fiction? (question courtesy of Diane)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Super Comments Award "You Don't Say" #3

Beth F (34)
Vickie (33)
Dar (29)
Jenny Girl (19)
Bella Foxx (19)
Yvonne (18)
TexasRed (18)
lilly (16)
Erotic Horizon (15)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Lets Be Friends Award

2009 Friendly Blogger Award

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Dogs And Cats

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Zombie Chicken Award #2

1. Alaine @ Alaines Reading Blog
2. Erotic Horizon @ Erotic Horizon
3. His Sweetheart @ His Sweetheart
4. eshda3wa @ eshda3wa
5. Dottie @ My Blog 2.0
6. Teddy Rose @ So Many Precious Books, So Little Time
7. Bella @ Bella is reading . . .
8. Robin @ My Two Blessings
9. Barbara @ Happily Forever After
10. Carpoolqueen @ Just Your Average Carpoolqueen
11. Yvonne @ Socrates' Book Reviews
12. Amy C @ Romance Book Wyrm
13. Sadako @ Dibbly Fresh
14. Mishel @ Mis(h)takes
15. Phoebe Jordan @ Talk About My Favorite Authors
16. Danielle @ Danielle's Book Thoughts
17. Cathy @ Kittling: Books
18. Lindsay @ Bytes Of Memory
19. Erika Lynn @ Kiss My Book
20. myza @ Books And So Many More Books
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Fear No Evil by Allison Brennan

Friday, April 17, 2009
The Super Comments Award "You Don't Say"

Alaine @ Alaine's Reading Blog AND Jennifer @ Jennifer's Book Blog have both so kindly thought of me to award me this so darn cute award.. I thank both of them and appreciate her kindness and thoughtfulness :)
This is what this award means..
"We give and get awards for having a great blog and being a good friend. What I want to award is those people whose comments have meant THE WORLD to me. It takes time to visit a blog and leave a comment ... I wanted to recognize some special bloggers whose comments have made such an impact on me. The “You Don’t Say?” Award is awarded to these special bloggers in hopes that they will pass the award along to 5-10 of their best commenters!"
Now to passing this award to my best commenters :)
1. The Book Resort @ The Book Resort
2. Sandy @ You've GOTTA read this!
3. Wisteria @ Bookworm's Dinner
4. Rebecca @ Lost in Books
5. Yvonne@ Socrates' Book Reviews
6. TexasRed @ TexasRed Books
7. Vickie @ Vixen's Daily Reads
8. Blodeuedd @ Book girl of Mur-y-Castell
9. Kara @ World According to Books
10. Melissa @ Shhh I'm Reading
11. Wendy R @ Musings of a Bookish Kitty
12. Becky Workman @ My thoughts...your thoughts?
13. Jenny Girl @ Jenny loves to read
14. ds @ third-storey window
15. Bella @ Bella is reading . . .
16. Robin @ My Two Blessings
17. Jenners @ Find Your Next Book Here
18. Beth F @ Beth Fish Reads
19. Jess @ Barney's Book Blog
20. Marta @ Marta's Meanderings
And since I've been awarded for this twice I get to pass it to twice the number of nominees :) I originally posted 15 but I will add 5 more so that would be fair and square to have 20 for both awards..
I know there are more commenters that I should have recognised but my mind is so not organized right now that I really can't think of anyone else..
So if you ever commented on my blog you really deserve this award and therefore I give it to you to post :) and will gladly add your name to the list too!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Booking Through Thursday - Windfall

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
See No Evil by Allison Brennan

Musing Mondays #9
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Booking Through Thursday - Numbers Game

Some people read one book at a time. Some people have a number of them on the go at any given time, perhaps a reading in bed book, a breakfast table book, a bathroom book, and so on, which leads me to…
Are you currently reading more than one book?
If so, how many books are you currently reading?
Is this normal for you?
Where do you keep your current reads?
Musing Mondays #8
Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your to be read list…
As a follow up to last week's question, Joseph asked how you keep track of your tbr list. Do you have a paper list or on your computer? Do you take it with you when you go shopping? How do you decide what gets added to it?
I never had a TBR list, I would just go to the bookstore and buy whatever looks good to try new authors or books by a favorite author, but since I was introduced to Shelfari over a year ago I have kept a virtual TBR on my shelf there..
I'm planning on making a spreadsheet to add to so I can have it accessible anytime and I do like Rebecca's idea of having it on her phone.. but it will be some huge file!!
My TBR shelf on shelfari has 890 books at this moment and I can't promise it will be the same within the next hour :) since I always add to it whatever book strikes my fancy when I'm reading reviews from the many blogs that I love to visit.. or having books recommended to me by my blogging or non-blogging friends.
What do you do? Do you have a list? Want to know what other bloggers are doing? Check here ..
The TBR Pile Game!
"We're all addicted to books! We all have towering TBR piles.
I thought it might be fun to ask you all to pull the top five books off your TBR piles and report on them here. I bet we get some interesting selections! No cheating! Just whatever comes off first."
So I was thinking should I pull off 5 books from my physical TBR or my Virtual TBR ?!
Then I thought it would not be fair for my virtual TBR (which contain 890 books right now) to get neglected if I chose the physical and vise versa.. so I decided to list my 5 books of each so my 2 TBR piles won't get mad at me and ban me from reading them ;) how could I ever live without them!!
My 5 books from my Physical TBR pile are..
1. Hot Blooded by Lisa Jackson (this one I'm actually planning to read soon for the Lisa Jackson read-a-fest, I mean it ! :) )
2. Until I Find You by John Irving
3. The Chemistry of Death by Simon Beckett
4. The Best Revenge by Stephen White
5. The Thread Of Fear by Laura Griffin
My 5 books from my Virtual TBR at Shelfari (sorted by last added) are..
1. The Darkest Night by Gena Showalter2. The Loch by Steven Alton
3. True Evil by Greg Iles
4. Blaze by Stephen King
5. Twice Kissed by Lisa Jackson
Although these are the latest added to my virtual pile I'm not planning on reading them soon.. that is because I'm participating in a "few" challenges, I'm trying to catch up with :)
Daz reminded me that I have an Ebook TBR that I completely forgot about .. how that happened is beyond me.. so here is my Ebook TBR before I get banished from Ebook land :)
1. Romeo's Dead But Juliet Faked It By Christine McKay
2. A Love That Lasts By Melanie Rutan
3. Fall From Grace By Eve Asbury
4. On The Brink Of Something By George Del Pozzo
5. Kisses Of Fire By Phyllis Campbell
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The One Lovely Blog Award

Now it is my duty to pass it on to the newly discovered blogs that I have discovered and enjoyed :)
1. retroredux at Retroredux's Reviews
2. Sharon at A Bookworm's Reviews
3. Marg at Reading Adventures
4. Jodie at Book Gazing
5. Blodeuedd at Book girl of Mur-y-Castell
6. Literary Feline at Musings of a Bookish Kitty
7. Teddyree at The Eclectic Reader
8. Dreamybee at Subliminal Intervention
9. jess at Barney's Book Blog
10. Bandit Jack at The World From Down Here..
11. Lisa at Desert Fences
12. Donna at Bites
13. Michele at Reader's Respite
14. Kerrie at Mysteries In Paradise
15. LisaMay at Look At That Book
16. Leya at Wandeca Reads
17. Amy C at Romance Book Wyrm
18. Becky Workman at My thoughts...your thoughts?
19. Sadako at Dibbly Fresh
20. Maqsood Qureshi at Maqsood Qureshi's Blog
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Premio Dardos Award

Monday, April 6, 2009
Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Zombie Chicken Award

The Splash Award

Friday, April 3, 2009
"I Suck at Challenges" Challenge Update #2

Books read in March..
Just reviewing all books read this year!
3/12 (2 added)
3/12 (2 added)
Musing Monday #7
My Blogging Awards
- 09 eBook (11)
- 09 Read/Review (57)
- 1st in Series (6)
- 1st Series 09 (14)
- 1st time author (8)
- 2 stars (1)
- 20 2009 (20)
- 2009 (1)
- 2010 EBook (33)
- 2011 Ebook (37)
- 2012 E-Book (14)
- 2012 OffTheShelf (2)
- 2012 TBR (2)
- 2012FreeRead (13)
- 2012ShortStory (4)
- 2014 (4)
- 2015 (2)
- 2016 (5)
- 2016 Books (4)
- 2017 (5)
- 2017 Books (5)
- 2021 (1)
- 2022 (4)
- 2nd 2010 (1)
- 2nd in Series (2)
- 2nds 09 (6)
- 3 stars (1)
- 4 stars (3)
- 5 stars (9)
- 50 Book 09 (61)
- 50 Book 2010 (60)
- 50 Book 2011 (45)
- 50 Book Challenge (30)
- 9 for 09 (9)
- 999 (49)
- A-Z 09 (21)
- A-Z 2011 (4)
- Aaron Ace (1)
- ABC Cover 2011 (9)
- Alix Storm (1)
- amazon (8)
- Amazon Free (20)
- arabic (1)
- ARC (1)
- Awards (28)
- Bad Penny Press (1)
- Bailey Marie (1)
- Blogspash (1)
- Book Awards Challenge (7)
- Booking Through Thursday (13)
- booksprout (1)
- Bought Books 09 (1)
- Bunny Hop (2)
- Buy/Read 2009 (11)
- CaptureTag (9)
- Charlaine Harris (1)
- ChickLit (7)
- ChickPorn (9)
- Chloe Cox (3)
- Chris Carter (1)
- Color Me Read 2011 (4)
- Countdown (34)
- Countdown 2010 (30)
- Cover Love 2011 (1)
- CTA 09 (6)
- Dad (2)
- Damon Suede (1)
- ebook (14)
- Eliza Gayle (1)
- England (1)
- Erotica09 (15)
- Fall Read 09 (14)
- Father-In-Law (1)
- Fear Itself 09 (1)
- Feedbooks (3)
- Finish Series 2010 (5)
- First In A Series Challenge 08 (9)
- free (8)
- Friday Fill-Ins (4)
- Friday Finds (6)
- Fun (1)
- Game (1)
- Gang Bang (4)
- GBQC3 (3)
- Goodreads (1)
- GTD 09 (16)
- Happy Tag (1)
- Harlequin/Silhouette 09 (2)
- Holly Love (1)
- Horror (4)
- I Suck at Challenges Update (4)
- It's Monday What Are You Reading (1)
- It's Monday. What are you reading? (1)
- J.A. Konrath (2)
- Jack Kilborn (2)
- JD Barker (1)
- Jennifer Campbell (1)
- Jennifer McNare (1)
- John Green (1)
- John Locke (1)
- Karin Slaughter (1)
- Katie Cramer (1)
- Kindle (5)
- Kristin Hannah (1)
- Lay It On Challenge (10)
- Lit Flick Challenge (6)
- Lori Brighton (1)
- Love Bites 09 (6)
- Lucy Lennox (2)
- Mailbox Monday (3)
- Malaysia (2)
- Marlee MC (3)
- Meme (4)
- Merrill Gemus (1)
- miranda smith (1)
- MM (6)
- MM 2011 (2)
- Mothers Day (1)
- Murder (1)
- Musing Mondays (15)
- Mystery/Suspense 2011 (1)
- Name #2 (5)
- Naming Conv. 09 (11)
- NetGalley (8)
- New Author (5)
- NewAuthor 2010 (5)
- NewAuthor09 (33)
- Nikki Palmer (2)
- nikki sloane (1)
- Nook Free (4)
- Off The Shelf 2011 (2)
- OfficialWinter (4)
- PagesPounds (16)
- PagesRead (50)
- Paranormal (1)
- Pete Clark (1)
- Phillip Thomas Duck (1)
- Pub 09 (12)
- QGB Challenge 2010 (1)
- Quiz (7)
- Read That 09 (2)
- ReadYourName 2011 (3)
- Richard Secklin (1)
- Romance (4)
- RRC 09 (11)
- RRRC 09 (5)
- Ryne Douglas Pearson (1)
- RYOB (30)
- Sabrina Jeffries (1)
- Samantha Kane (1)
- Saturday 9 (1)
- Saturday Special (1)
- Savannah Reardon (1)
- Scott Nicholson (1)
- Selena Kitt (1)
- Serena Yates (1)
- Serial Killer (1)
- Serial09 (27)
- series (1)
- SeriesS3 (28)
- Shelfari (1)
- Shots/Short (82)
- ShowMeFree (20)
- Sloane Kennedy (1)
- Smashwords (10)
- Sookie Challenge (4)
- Spring 09 (5)
- SRT 09 (4)
- Stephanie Plum Challenge (3)
- Steve Nugent (1)
- Summer Reading 09 (2)
- Supernatural (1)
- Suspence/Thriller 09 (9)
- Suspense (2)
- Tag (7)
- Tasha Drake (1)
- TBR (1)
- Teaser Tuesdays (2)
- Thank You (2)
- The Second Unread Authors Challenge (6)
- TheReadingSite (1)
- Thriller (5)
- Tina Seskis (1)
- Top 10 (2)
- TRC 09 (14)
- UK (1)
- Unconscious Mutterings (1)
- Vacation (3)
- vampires (3)
- Vampires09 (18)
- Weekly Geeks (12)
- What an Animal Reading Challenge (6)
- What's on Your Desk Wednesday (1)
- What's on Your Nightstand? (1)
- Winter 08 (10)
- Witches (1)
- Wordless Wednesday (5)
- WWW Wednesdays (1)
- Xcite (1)
- YA 09 (8)
- Zombies (1)
- دار خطوة (1)
Books Read In 2007
- PS, I Love You by Cecilia Ahern
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
- Where There is Evil by Sandra Brown
- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
- New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
- The Sins of the Fathers by Lawrence Block
- Time to Murder and Create by Lawrence Block
- Drop Dead Sexy by Elisa Adams
My Favorite Links
Blog Archive
- I've Been Tagged!
- Musing Monday (April 27)
- The Super Comments Award "You Don't Say" #3
- Lets Be Friends Award
- 2009 Friendly Blogger Award
- Dogs And Cats
- Zombie Chicken Award #2
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fi...
- Fear No Evil by Allison Brennan
- The Super Comments Award "You Don't Say"
- Booking Through Thursday - Windfall
- See No Evil by Allison Brennan
- Musing Mondays #9
- Booking Through Thursday - Numbers Game
- Musing Mondays #8
- The TBR Pile Game!
- The One Lovely Blog Award
- Premio Dardos Award
- Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione
- Zombie Chicken Award
- The Splash Award
- "I Suck at Challenges" Challenge Update #2
- Musing Monday #7