I am so lucky :) I got this award for the third time!! Bella from Bella is reading . . . has awarded me this cute award.. this is what it means ..
"We give and get awards for having a great blog and being a good friend. What I want to award is those people whose comments have meant THE WORLD to me. It takes time to visit a blog and leave a comment ... I wanted to recognize some special bloggers whose comments have made such an impact on me. The “You Don’t Say?” Award is awarded to these special bloggers in hopes that they will pass the award along to 5-10 of their best commenters!"
These are my 10 top commentors and their number of comments, according to my cute widget at the bottom of the page.. courtesy of Robin @ My Two Blessings .. but since I gave some of them this award I will pass it on to those I didn't, and then some :)
Sandy Nawrot (38)
Beth F (34)
Vickie (33)
Dar (29)
Jenny Girl (19)
Bella Foxx (19)
Yvonne (18)
TexasRed (18)
lilly (16)
Erotic Horizon (15)
Beth F (34)
Vickie (33)
Dar (29)
Jenny Girl (19)
Bella Foxx (19)
Yvonne (18)
TexasRed (18)
lilly (16)
Erotic Horizon (15)
So for this time I will pass it to this time ..
Dar (29) @ Peeking Between the Pages
lilly (16) @ Reading Extravaganza
Erotic Horizon (15) @ Erotic Horizon
J. Kaye (12) @ J. Kaye's Book Blog
Dorte H (11) @ DJs krimiblog
Insert Book Title Here (10) @ {Insert Book Title Here}
Duchess Berry (10) @ 3 minutes Writer
His Sweetheart (9) @ His Sweetheart
Jo-Jo (8) @ Jo-Jo loves to read!!!
Padfoot and Prongs - Good Books Inc. (8) @ Padfoot and Prongs
Now it's your turn to pass it around :)
Congrats :D
I had no idea I was such a big mouth!
Blodeuedd, thanks :)
Sandy, Aww you are not a big mouth you are my special #1 Commentor :)
Congrats yaw! :D
Thanks Liyana :)
Congrats to you on getting the award and thanks for awarding me. Two awards in one morning-what a great way to start a day!
Congrats to you. Let's celebrate : ).
There is an award waiting for you at my blog :)
I have an award for you....:)
Thank you! As little as I have been around, I am surprised to have made it.
Thank you for the award!
Thank you, thank you thank you! It's simply awesome. And of course, CONGRATULATIONS! You totally deserve it.
Dar, thanks and it was my pleasure :)
The Book Resort, thanks :)
Blodeuedd, OMG thanks for thinking of me :)
Sharon, WOW another award.. am I lucky or what :) thanks!
J.Kaye, my pleasure :)
Insert Book Title, my pleasure :)
Lilly, thanks dear and it was my pleasure :)
Thanks you so much! And congrats on your own award!
Thanks so much! I'm so glad that you enjoy my comments, despite their shortness. Your so sweet to think of me!
Padfoot and Prongs, thanks and it was my pleasure :)
Teddy Rose, Aww it was my pleasure my dear :)
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