Alaine @ Alaine's Reading Blog AND Jennifer @ Jennifer's Book Blog have both so kindly thought of me to award me this so darn cute award.. I thank both of them and appreciate her kindness and thoughtfulness :)
This is what this award means..
"We give and get awards for having a great blog and being a good friend. What I want to award is those people whose comments have meant THE WORLD to me. It takes time to visit a blog and leave a comment ... I wanted to recognize some special bloggers whose comments have made such an impact on me. The “You Don’t Say?” Award is awarded to these special bloggers in hopes that they will pass the award along to 5-10 of their best commenters!"
Now to passing this award to my best commenters :)
1. The Book Resort @ The Book Resort
2. Sandy @ You've GOTTA read this!
3. Wisteria @ Bookworm's Dinner
4. Rebecca @ Lost in Books
5. Yvonne@ Socrates' Book Reviews
6. TexasRed @ TexasRed Books
7. Vickie @ Vixen's Daily Reads
8. Blodeuedd @ Book girl of Mur-y-Castell
9. Kara @ World According to Books
10. Melissa @ Shhh I'm Reading
11. Wendy R @ Musings of a Bookish Kitty
12. Becky Workman @ My thoughts...your thoughts?
13. Jenny Girl @ Jenny loves to read
14. ds @ third-storey window
15. Bella @ Bella is reading . . .
16. Robin @ My Two Blessings
17. Jenners @ Find Your Next Book Here
18. Beth F @ Beth Fish Reads
19. Jess @ Barney's Book Blog
20. Marta @ Marta's Meanderings
And since I've been awarded for this twice I get to pass it to twice the number of nominees :) I originally posted 15 but I will add 5 more so that would be fair and square to have 20 for both awards..
I know there are more commenters that I should have recognised but my mind is so not organized right now that I really can't think of anyone else..
So if you ever commented on my blog you really deserve this award and therefore I give it to you to post :) and will gladly add your name to the list too!
Thank you so much! You know, probably half (if not more) of my awards come from you! You're the best!
Oh wow! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much :D
That is so sweet, gotta go post it in my last post that's still up
This is great! Thank you!!
Thank you for the sweet award. It means a lot to me. Thank you for your giving so much of yourself in your daily posts.
Keep on, keepin' on...
So, hop to it... start posting, kiddo = 7. lol.
Very cool! You are one of my top commenters, too, so right back at ya! I am very excited to get this.
Thank you so much! I am speechless. I always enjoy reading your blog. You are too kind to me :)
Thank you so very much--I am in shock! You are being beyond kind with this. Just keep on blogging, okay?
I just posted this same award for you. :)
Please stop by my blog and pick it up.
Congrats on a great award. I need to ask you a question, if you could send me an e-mail (my address is in my profile) I would appreciate it.
Congrats on your award!
You are so SWEET! Thankin' you for this lovely award!
Sandy, Aww don't make me blush :)
Yvonne, my pleasure :)
Blodeuedd, I've seen your awards.. wow you got a bunch :)
TexasRed, my pleasure :)
The Book Resort, Aww thank you for your kind words, and it was my pleasure :)
Rebecca, thanks, I'm honored :)
Jenny Girl, it was my pleasure and I'm really happy you enjoy my blog :)
ds, why the shock? I'm very grateful to all of you because you made blogging worthwhile.. you made me feel I have friends all over the world.. passing this award is nothing compared to the happiness I feel for having all of you :)
Jennifer, thanks dear for the award, that was so kind of you, right back at you :)
Bella, thanks and I already sent you an email :)
Beth, thanks :)
Vickie, my pleasure :)
DeSeRt RoSe, the problem I was having has been resolved. I don't know how, but the widget is working now.
Thanks for everything. People like you make blogging fun!
Bella, great to know everything worked out fine..
I didn't do anything but thanks anyways.. actually I found something that I wanted to share with you but unfortunatly I lost the link.. I'm looking in my history and if I find it I'll email it to you :)
Congratulations! You truly are a great commenter and I'm glad you got recognized for it.
Congratulations on your award Desert Rose....you are always there on my blog. You deserve this.
Thank you so much for giving one to me. How sweet you are. I will post it real soon. I have been catching up as I'm still recovering.
Woo Hoo!
Thank you so much!!
Hey, Desert Rose! I just awarded you another award!
ARGHHH!!! I missed seeing my name in the list when I congratulated you! I've just caught up on reading my comments and here I see you've given me this super award. I blame it on the read-a-thon -- my mind was numb!!!!
Thanks sooooooooo much. I'm such a moron sometimes -- LOL!!!!
Congratulations and thank you very much. It is appreciated. :)
Lilly, thanks that was sweet of you :)
Wisteria, thanks and it was my pleasure.. glad to hear you are on the mend :)
Marta, my pleasure :)
Yvonne, WOW!! thanks so much.. that was sweet of you :) I'm flooded with awards from my dear friends :)
Beth, LOL no actually your mind is perfectly fine.. I originally passed the award to 15 blogs (exceeding the limit by 5, as usual) and while doing so I got awarded the same award again so I added another 5 to reach the 20 mark for the 2 awards :) so you got the award the second time around.. I just added it to the same post ;)
So don't blame your mind or the read-a-thon :) I'm the one guilty :)
Robin, my pleasure :)
Thanks for thinking of me ... I really appreciate it! : )
This is a cute little button.
My pleasure Jenners :)
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