Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about reading non-fiction…
Do you read non-fiction regularly? Do you read it in a different way or place than you read fiction? (question courtesy of Diane)
Do you read non-fiction regularly? Do you read it in a different way or place than you read fiction? (question courtesy of Diane)
I do read non-fiction but not as much as I read fiction, you might say about 1 book to every 20 to 30 fiction books .. So I read it once in a while, or in addition to a fiction book like now.. I have one on my nightstand that I read a couple of pages from every couple of days.. it's called Cheap Psychological Tricks: What To Do When Hard Work, Honesty, and Perseverance Fail by Perry W. Buffington, PH.D.. It's fun and the topics are very short about 2 pages each so it's easy to read a topic or two before going to sleep..
But when I was reading A Child Called It or it's sequels, the book was with me all the time so it had no certain place to be read..
What do you do? do you read non-fiction regularly?
Wanna see what other have to say ?? check here !!
You know, I don't. I've read a few true crime novels here and there and sometimes a biography but I rarely head to the book store looking for non-fiction. I should browse a bit more.
not a huge fan of the non-fiction, at least not for what I consider pleasure reading.
NF has its place but not too much in my reading world. lol.
I ususally stumble upon my NF books, like Red Leather Diary or Marley and Me. I like fun and mysterious books for the most part.
Not a big fan of non-fiction. I do read some, but not a lot.
I read a lot of non-fiction (articles, history books etc) for my job which is why reading crime fiction really makes me feel I am free & enjoying myself.
For the past year and a half I've been trying to read 2 non-fiction books a month, and I've discovered some real gems! I couldn't read non-fiction at the pace that I read fiction, though. Stories are my true love.
I have a little something for you @:
Barbara, yeah I've read some true crime ones, I have a few on TBR but don't know when I'll get to them, they keep getting puched down :)
Caite, I don't regard it as pleasure reading either :)
The Book Resort, I can see most people are like that..! Any recommndation?
OMG I guess this is my lucky month :) thank you se very much, you are so sweet to me :)
Jenny Girl, I think NF is more fun to read :)
Erika, Any recommendations?
Dorte, so your don't read non-fiction for fun :) ohh I love crime fiction!
Nymeth, WOW that is truly a challenge.. I love "Stories are my true love", so true :)
I rarely read nonfiction. I do read (and collect) biographies and autobiographies of people I admire, particularly strong women, like Madeleine Albright or Katharine Hepburn.
Cheap Psychological Tricks sounds like an interesting read.
I dont read much non-fiction, but I do enjoy memoirs.
DeSeRT RoSE, Crime Fiction just makes me get all bolt the doors... finding so & so has a body in their fridge. Nancy Grace & the news feed my real Crime Fiction needs... oh, & Craigslist.
Grab JT Ellison & Wendy Corsi Staub...
Aww... thanks!!!
I read a lot of non-fiction, mainly true crime and memoirs.
Since you have been so king to award me (lots!) I have tagged you.
You can do it or not, come take a look on my blog, Bella is reading. . .
Vickie, I'm sure you will find gems with these books :)
Naida, thanks! Memoirs are intersting.. I'm planning on reading Shattered Dreams :)
The Book Resort, yeah bolting the doors is a great idea.. I sometimes go around the house at night checking the doors and windows when everyone is asleep :) you mentioned Craigslist I don't really know what that is :(
I'll try JT Ellison & Wendy Corsi Staub.. I've added them to my virtual TBR already.. thanks :)
Bella, good for you.. I really wish I could read more non-fiction!
Thanks for the tag Balla, I'll do it as soon as I can :)
I do read a bit of non-fiction; memoirs and anything medical. I've also read Dave Pelzer's novels, I find that type of non fiction quite heart wrenching
I read a fair amount of non-fiction, memoirs mostly but also some medical or about animals.
Teddyree, yeah I agree.. but these are the non fictions I could read :) Medical huh?! You a doctor?
Melissa, another medical reader? are you a doctor?
I don't read non fiction very often at all. Joining some challenges the last couple of years has helped with that. I actually read 1776 last month, because of one of the challenges.
Sharon, good for you.. these challenges make you explore books you might not try on your own :)
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