Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your wishlist…
Do you keep a book wishlist, either on paper, Amazon/etc, or via a book database site (Shelfari, GoodReads, LibraryThing)?
If yes, do you share this list with others (especially coming up to Christmas)?
I do have a wishlist on Fictionwise and also on Shelfari, but the one on Shelfari is basically most of my TBR list.
I don't get books as gifts except when I won an Amazon gift certificate from a Shefari group (Play Book Tag), so I keep the lists for myself to know what to buy when I do go shopping for books.
I know I have to organize by piles and keep the books I have separate from the books I wish to buy, so I just might do that since the idea came up.. When I feel like doing it :)
So do you have a wishlist stored somewhere ??