My dear Bella @ Bella Foxx's Life has tagged me with this fun tag..
These are the rules..
1. Mention the person who nominated you.
2. List six unimportant things that make you happy.
3. Tag six blogs, state the rules & notify them with a teeny comment on their blog.
Some of the unimportant things that make me happy are..
1. Finishing a really good book!
2. Writing a satisfying book review.. satisfying to me that is :)
3. Finding I got more followers and more comments.. I love comments :)
4. Shedding a few pounds from my weight ;)
5. Waking up early and getting more things done.
6. Lately, checking my twitter :)
The 6 blogs I tag are..
lilly @ Reading Extravaganza
Erotic Horizon @ Erotic Horizon
Yvonne @ Socrates' Book Reviews
Sandy @ You've GOTTA read this!
Blodeuedd @ Book girl of Mur-y-Castell
Duchess Berry @ 3 minutes Writer
Diane @ The Book Resort
Alaine @ Alaines Reading Blog
Ok I know I exceeded the limit.. but don't I always :)
HOw fun!!
Cool :)
Hm, the other meme went by good in my other blog, I think I will take this one there too :)
What a nice meme! I suspect most of mine would ditto yours!
Yippee!!! Thanks!!!
Great post! And I agree on the first four, but no 5: horrible!
I am GRUMPY in the morning; just ask my family :D
Thanks for tagging me Desert Rose.
I have an award for you. Just email me alaineb at bigpond. net. au for the html code if you'd like to put it up.
Beth, thanks :)
Blodeuedd, that's great!
Sandy, really?! that's cool!
The Book Resort, my pleasure :)
Dorte, LOL @ Grumpy :) thanks!
Alaine, my pleasure.. and thanks you so much for thinking of me with this adorable award :) I'll email you soon!
I've given you an award! Stop by and check it out http://socratesbookreviews.blogspot.com/2009/05/another-award.html
Fun meme! I agree with shedding a few pounds, especially when you get to your thirties and you notice it's much more difficult than it was when you were twenty something.
We are alike in many ways.
With my compliments award
*sings* Hi Ho something here for you...
Finishing a good book is awesome. I agree!
Yvonne, WOW thanks you are so sweet, dear :)
Lilly, oh yeah the dreadful thirties.. I'm still struggling there :)
Jenny Girl, WOW the third award in the same post.. this is my lucky week.. thanks dear you are so sweet!
Wendy, I guess I could say this is my luckiest post on the blog :) my forth award on the same post!! thank you dear you are so sweet to think of me :)
Sadako, thank you :)
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