Saturday, November 29, 2008
Bookworm Award

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Date Published: 1991
My Rating : 4 stars
896 pages
One of the best romance stories I've read in years. It reminds me of A Knight In Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux.
It starts with a 27 year old nurse called Claire Beauchamp in the year 1945, childless but happily married to Frank Randall and living a quiet life in post war Scotland.
One day she goes investigating a plant she sees in a stone circle, when she suddenly gets pulled in and finds herself in the year of the Lord 1743 about two hundred years prior her time.
She encounters Frank's six-time great grandfather Jonathan Randall otherwise known as Jack Black. Then gets kidnapped or rescued by Dougal McKenzie's men where she meets the young Jamie a wounded lad of 23, being a nurse she helps him and they take her to their lands.
Meeting the chieftain of the McKenzie's, Colum McKenzie she is assigned as the physician of the clan.
A lot of events happen, and we meet so many people but the main thing is Clair somehow marries young Jamie and a passion ignites like no other. This is where the story really starts.
Such a love story that is so filled with innocence and passion that has to touch you to the core.
Being a wanted man, her Jamie flees for his life and Clair trying to rescue him, after he rescued her a number of times.
A very heart warming story that grips you till the end, at times I just couldn't put the book down, I'm sure to continue in this series because I can't wait to know what happens next.
I strongly recommend this book, although I gave in 4 out of 5 stars. Why I did that? Well that is because there were a couple of times that I was annoyed in some events or beliefs that I didn't care for but that is entirely personal other than that is was flawless.
Did I mention it was such a love story?! Oh, I did!! It also had a sense of humor, well Jamie's in particular and Claire. I caught myself smiling and shaking my head a number of times ;)
The best of the book is the last part, the events are fast and the details are just so graphical you just need to know what happens and FAST!
Other Reviews:
Lilly @ Reading Extravaganza
Smash @ Great Books and Fresh Coffee
Jess @ Barney's Book Blog
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis

4 Stars
Heard it as an audio book on my Ipod..
I think it would have been better to read it since I enjoy reading more than listening.. I might even read it literally very soon.Nice childrens tale of an adventure at sea!!
This is the third book in the series that I read and it was fun.
While Edmund and Lucy are staying with their cousin Eustace, Peter is getting reading for enterace exams for the University amd Susan is travelling through America with their parents.
One day they go though an adventure with their cousin Eustace on board the Dawn Treader, after being drawn through a painting on the wall of the ship.. They meet King Caspian and pass by different islands with exciting creatures.
Although Eustace was a bit of a mean kid in the beginning he get's to mellow out as the story enfolds!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Case Histories: A Novel by Kate Atkinson

Date Published : 2004
310 pages
4 stars
Three different cases happen in different times.. A little girl just disappears leaving guilt and grief behind, A woman goes mad and does the unthinkable, and a young woman gets brutally killed.From all these cases, relatives seek a private detective Mr. Brodie to help each in a different way.
The disappearing girl's family want to know what happened to her. The mad woman's sister is looking for her niece and the murdered girls's father wants to know her killer.
The story entwines together in a very nice way, the chapters go around the characters in a way that makes you understand all three stories together. VERY CLEVER!
I liked all that but the ending was quite not what I expected, although some things were expected but the ending was just too fast and not complete to me.. I expected more since it's supposed to be 3 cases. But overall it was a very good book. That's why I gave it a 4 out of 5.
This was the first book I read by her, I was impressed with the style of keeping up with the 3 stories, and it was not hard to get into each one.
What happened was I went "Waaaaaah!!" when I discovered that it's finished I kept turning the pages thinking maybe there is a page I forgot or skipped.. then I was LOL at myself!!! So it kinda took me by surprise :)BTW This is one of the books that I won with the gift certificate from Amazon given to me by PBT..
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Complete Poems of Sarah Orne Jewett by Sarah Orne Jewett

2nd Chance by James Patterson

Date Published: 2002
400 pages
#2 from the Women's Murder Club series.
Real Murders by Charlaine Harris

Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris

My Rating:5 Stars
292 pages
This is the first book in the Southern Vampires series "Sookie Stackhouse"
I've heard so much about this book being recommended so I thought I would give it a try, and now I'm hooked!!
She encounters some adventures, some deaths and a lot of fun..
I highly recommend this book :)
It was made into a series "True Blood" and true it's based on the story, it is bit different but good all the same!
Other Reviews:
Meghan @ Medieval Bookworm
Alaine @ Queen Of Happy Endings
Sundcarrie @ Dark Novels
Love-Slave To The Sheikh by Miranda Lee

The Big Bad Wolf by James Patterson

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Books Read In 2007
- PS, I Love You by Cecilia Ahern
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
- Where There is Evil by Sandra Brown
- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
- New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
- The Sins of the Fathers by Lawrence Block
- Time to Murder and Create by Lawrence Block
- Drop Dead Sexy by Elisa Adams
My Favorite Links
Blog Archive
- Bookworm Award
- Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis
- Case Histories: A Novel by Kate Atkinson
- The Complete Poems of Sarah Orne Jewett by Sarah O...
- 2nd Chance by James Patterson
- Real Murders by Charlaine Harris
- Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
- Love-Slave To The Sheikh by Miranda Lee
- The Big Bad Wolf by James Patterson