Jenny Girl @Jenny loves to read was kind to tag me with this fun meme.. thank you Jenny :)
The rules for this meme are:
1. Mention who tagged you.
2. List six unimportant things that make you happy.
3. Tag six more blogs, then go and comment on their blogs. Let them know that they have been challenged, and invite them to play along.
First of all I was tagged this meme before here by Bella Foxx :) but I will state another 6 unimportant things here :)
1. Writing a satisfying (for me) book review
2. Visiting my best friend
3. Watching a really good movie
4. Reading a good book
5. Having a good night's sleep
6. Relaxing on the beach with a good book
Ok I answered these questions without looking at the previous answers then I peeked :) got 2 of them the same !!
Now to tag some people !!
1. Insert Book Title @ {Insert Book Title Here}
2. Tami @ Middle Rageously
3. Jess @ Barney's Book Blog
4. Whimpulsive
5. Dar @ Peeking Between the Pages
6. Mandi @ Smexy Books
Those are good things. I'd have to say a book review and reading a good book are among my top things too. I'll try to do this one this week. I'm so far behind already I'm not sure I'll catch up anymore. lol. Hope you have a great weekend.
Dar, great to have things in common :) thanks for participating !!
I'm way behind in my posting too :)
How cool ^^
I was blog hopping and found this blog...
Taschima Cullen, I hope you like what you found :) I'll hop to your blog and check it out.. thanks for passing by :)
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