Dead And Gone by Charlaine Harris
Year Published: 2009
My Rating: 5 stars
312 pages
This is the 9th book in the Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampires series.
Vampires have been known in the world for awhile now, but they are not the only supernatural beings around.. So, some others are coming out in the open but not everyone is accepting them as they had hoped.
Then someone is murdered in a very grousome way and left on display.. On the top of the list of suspects is Sookie's brother Jason, with means and motive too.
Then Sookie is faced with a new enemy that will not stop till one of them is dead!!
A lot of action and some new characters introduced.. Very fun to read as always, and keps you asking for more, more more!!
I enjoyed this book to the max and can't wait to read the next book.. A book for those Sookie fans everywhere :)
Quotes I enjoyed from the book: (Some might contain SPOILERS)
"Caucasian vampires should never wear white," the television announcer intoned. "We've been secretly filming Devon Dawn, who's been a vampire for only a decqade, as she gets dresses for a night on the town. Look at that outfit! It's all wrong for her!"
"I'm here tonight as a representative of a people who have lived among you for many years. Since the vampires have been so successful out in the open, we've decided the time's come for us to tell you about ourselves. After all, vampires are dead. They're not even human. But we're regular people just like you-all, with a difference."
"Eric told you to spend your time driving over here and asking me to come to his bar tonight." Even to my own ears, I sounded unbelieving.
"Yes. He said, 'Track her down, deliver the message in person, and be polite.' Here I am. Being polite."
The closer I got to the vampire bar, the more my pulse picked up; this was the downside to the blood bond I had with Eric Northman. I knew I was going to see him, and I was simply happy about it.
The wave of delight wasn't necessarily related to Eric's gorgeousness or the fact that we'd bumped pelvises, though. The blood bond was responsible. Maybe. I had to fight the feeling. For sure.
"Then I'll take the tiger's request off the table," Victor said. "My master was unhappy about the tiger wanting to leave, anyway. And of course, I'll inform my master about your formal attachment to this one."
"Can you doubt that I want what's best for you?"
"I don't doubt that you want what you think is best for me," I said. "And I don't doubt that that marches right along with what you think is good for you."
Victor laughed. "She knows you well, Eric," he said, and we both glared at him. "Ooops," he said, and pretended to zip his mouth shut.
Don't you just hate nights like that, when you think over every mistake you've made, every hurt you've received, every bit of meanness you've dealt out? There's no profit in it, no point to it, and you need sleep. But that night, men were on my mind, and not in a happy way.
"I'm sorry, cher," he said again. "Sorry you're having to handle it, sorry Jason will be suspected, sorry about the whole thing. Sorry for crystal, too."
"You want to own your own life," Eric said.
"As much as anyone can."
"Just when I think you're very simple, you say something complex," Eric said.
"Are you complaining?" I tried to smile, failed.
"Do you know why I ended up so close to your home, running down that road in the freezing cold?"
"Eric, when I'm back to being myself, I'm going to nail your ass for putting me in this position of being pledged to you."
"Darling, you can nail my ass anytime," he said charmingly, and turned to go back to his table.
I'd never seen his face so gloomy and serious. Sam was a creature of sunshine.
I was mad, and I was sad, and I suspected that Sam was right. That's when you get the angriest, isn't it? When you know you've done something stupid?
"Like you needed another enemy," he said, and stomped into his office.
Like I needed another friend acting like an asshole, I thought.
Everything about him gleamed and shone. The shirt wasn't simply white - it was snowy and starched; and his coat wasn't just black - it was spotlessly inky.
"I wait for the night you join me," he'd written on the otherwise blank card in his crabbed handwriting.
Faintly cheezy? yes. Gulp inducing? Oh, you betcha. I could practically feel my blood heat up. Ii was sorry I'd opened it right before I climbed in the bed. It definitely took me a long time to drift off to sleep.
Then he got under the blanket with me and propped himself up on an elbow. he was looking down at me. His back was to the light coming from the bathroom, so I couldn't discern his expression. "Do you love him?" he said.
"Do you realle remember?" I asked him. "Do you really remember staying with me before? Do you remember what it felt like?"
"Oh yes," he said., " I remember."
"Did you think that since we made whoopee and you said I was yours, I'd want to quit work and keep house for you? Eat candy all day, let you eat me all night?"
Yep, that was it. His faced confirmed it.
"I always tell you the truth," he said. And there wasn't a trace of that smile left on his face. "I may not tell you everything I know, but what I tell you.. it's true."
I was not where I was supposed to be, and I shouldn't be wherever I was. At the moment, these seemed like two separate and distinct thoughts.
"Why?" I asked. "He actually came to rescue me. Why get mad at him? Where were you?" Rage bubbled up my throat.
He'd lived for so many years, survived by hook and crook. He'd been ready to die for me. There is no female - human, fairy, vamp,Were- who wouldn't be affected by that. I thought of the nights we'd spent together, the times we'd talked lying together in bed - and I cried, though I felt almost too tired to produce tears.
Another review @ Fingers In The Pie