I tagged myself after checking out Bella's blog with the little photo meme, since I was the first to comment there AND I do have more than 5 picture folders..
The rules for this meme is:
1. Find your 5th photo file folder,then the 5th photo in that file folder.
2. Post that picture on your blog.
3. Tag 5 others to do the same.
that's it!!
So here is my 5th picture in my 5th folder :) It's a Juicy Couture keychain I saw a picture of somewhere on the Internet, could be Ebay but not sure.. I just liked it and saved the picture.. You could find a lot of these pictures on my computer, actually it was in a folder called (Bags) since I love bags and save the pictures to admire them ;) Some I bought too :)

Ok now the tagging!!
I hate to tag only 5 people but I'll try to pick new people to tag!! here goes..
1. His Sweetheart at His Sweetheart
2. Pabast at reading mama
3. Becky Workman at My thoughts...your thoughts?
4. Marta at Marta's Meanderings
5. Yvonne at Socrates' Book Reviews
Thaaaaaaaaaaaanks for the tag munchkin ;)
will post mine soon
Thanks for the tag. I am working on mine and I should have mine up soon.
His Sweetheart, Pabast it was my pleasure and thanx for being such sports :)
Thanks for the tag! I posted it on my blog.
Yvonne, my pleasure .. thanx for being a sport :)
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