Serial by Blake Crouch & JA Konrath
Year Published: 2009
55 pages on my Sony reader
My Rating: 5 stars
# 1: Don’t go hitchhiking, because the driver who picks you up could be certifiably crazy.
# 2: Don’t pick up hitchhikers, because the traveler you pick up could be a certifiably crazy.
So what if, on some dark, isolated road, Crazy #1 offered a ride to Crazy #2?
This was an amazing thriller with 2 serial killers instead of one.. so what happens when they meet each other.. I loved this short story very much!!
But if you don't like horrofic scenes and violent murders don't consider reading it :)
Two, yikes, the book might just be to scary crazy for me
Wow! Sounds scary alright! Was this a "short story", or a novel that was just short?
I'm not sure I'd want the violence, and yet -- what a great, intriguing premise! I'd be so tempted to read the book just to see what would happen with two serial killers encountering each other. Fascinating thought.
Blodeuedd, but it was WONDERFUL :) I know I'm twisted ;)
Rebecca, I guess you could say it's short story.. you could easily do it in one sitting .. since it's very exciting :)
Shinyideas, it really is.. I loved it ;)
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